Monday 18 January 2016


Every January many of us make resolutions to become better versions of ourselves. Some of us succeed while most of us slowly give up. I know that I've been stuck in this "January, new year, new me" business since high school. 

My spiritual practice teaches that consistency is key to achieve anything. It truly helps you to build a strong foundation in the world so that greater things can come from it.

My resolution for this year is to build a strong foundation for myself so that I will be able to reach my goals. In my practice, there are four pillars work, spirituality, health, and relationships. For example, you couldn't build a house on a poor foundation. So, If you had poor health, how could you think of much else until you fix it?

My goals this year are to strengthen my spiritual practice, improve my health, improve my finances, take on more creative projects and to keep a clean, decluttered home. How? By doing something about all of these things every day. What you do everyday will have a greater impact than doing something once a week or once in awhile. It's all about making daily habits so it becomes a general lifestyle change.

Many say the key to success is to do things step by step. If you don't have a good day, that's ok. Tomorrow's a new day and a fresh start to learn from the past mistakes of yesterday. No one said that your path up the mountain was going to be easy.

Best of luck to all of you and hope that you achieve all that you need to this year!

What are your resolutions? What's your plan to achieve them?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the inspirational post! I agree with your focus on consistency. I also need that in my life. Looking forward to seeing how you do!
