Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope you're all having a lovely day and loving you!
Today is the coldest day of the year so far and I was fortunate to get the day off. In the spirit of Valentine's Day (and being house bound) I decided to so something loving for myself. I didn't follow any to-do lists or force myself to start tackling my mountain of chores. Instead, I wanted "me time." For today's post I wanted to share some things I love to do when I hit the "pause" button when things get overwhelming and crazy.
Meditation is amazing. It's like an extra boost to recharge and set the tone of your day. There's something about sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and connecting to a higher source that can't be described. You have to experience it to believe it.
Lighting candles and incense really brings me a lot of joy and I feel that it really clears the space. I have multiple types of incense but my favourite is Blue Pearl Jumbo Classic Champa. The energy in my home feels so great after I light it.

Taking time to reflect is healthy. I like to journal and do card readings for myself. I'm currently using Doreen Virtue's Angel Answers Oracle Cards Deck. Sometimes I'm very surprised from the readings or the results from writing my thoughts out.
Finding a creative outlet can really help release a lot of pent up emotions. I love creating new looks with makeup. Right now I'm wearing 100 percent pure's Fruit Pigmented Natural Juicy Lip Gloss in Naked. I love this colour! It's a sheer, neutral pink that has little shimmers in it. Every time I see it, I think of Rose Quartz.
Speaking of crystals, that's something else I love. I've always been attracted to them for as far back as I can remember. Their energies and presence always boost me in some way. Today I pulled out all of my rose quartz and am enjoying their gentle and loving energy.
What are you doing this Valentine's Day? What do you love to do when during "you time?"
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